

, Innovation: Et si vous faisiez le pari d’une organisation semi-formelle ? . The Conversation, 5.

, The Economics of Space Sustainability: Delivering Economic Evidence to Guide Government Action.. OECD Publishing.

, Comment les activités spatiales peuvent-elles évoluer vers plus de durabilité ?. FuturHebdo.

, Entrepreneurial support organizations in sustainable knowledge-driven ecosystems.. The Journal of Technology Transfer.

, Do early adopters raise barriers to the commercial take-up of strategic high-technology products?. Innovation: Organization & Management, 1–18.

, The New Space Case. . Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 44(2), 137–167.

, The green path to space sustainability: Twenty years of research.. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 22(3), 299–318.

, T004 // Space Geopolitics: The Green Path to Space Sustainability.. Trailblazers. The Space Newsletter.

, The green path to space sustainability: Twenty years of research.. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, 22(3), 299–318

, Le secteur spatial, un atout toujours plus crucial pour l’humanité.. Tota Pulchra News.


, Comment les activités spatiales peuvent-elles évoluer vers plus de durabilité ?. The Conversation: France, February 2023.

, Fertilisation croisée spatial/non-spatial : un axe stratégique majeur pour un avenir commun terre-espace – le cas de l’exploration lunaire à venir.. ANRT : Association Nationale Recherche Technologie, Paris, 2023, p.1-12.

, A typology of talent management in aerospace micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.. European Management Review.

, Christian Art, Space Exploration and Human Civilization.. Tota Pulchra, 7.

, Le New Space: Ruptures et transformations de l’écosystème spatial. Technologie et innovation.. Technologie et innovation, Article à paraître, 14

, Le grand commerce spatial.. Imagine - Demain Le Monde, 155, 46–60.


, Financing space-derived data as commodities.. The Space Review, March 21, 2022.

, Why do motives matter? A demand-based view of the dynamics of a complex products and systems (CoPS) industry.. Journal of Evolutionary Change Economics, Volume 32, pp.1175-1204.

, The quadruple/quintuple helix model in entrepreneurial ecosystems: an institutional perspective on the space case study.. R&D Management, pp.1-20.

, Safeguarding Earth and space’s environment: Issues and trends towards sustainable development.. International Journal of Technology Management & Sustainable Development, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp.353-376.


, Which Jurisdiction for Private In-space Assembled Autonomous Platforms ?. Space Policy, Volume 56, 2021, 101413, ISSN 0265-9646

, Entrepreneurial space and the freedom for entrepreneurship: Institutional settings, policy, and action in the space industry.. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, sej.1392.

, New Space: Six Disruptions Accelerating the Commercialization of Space.. SIRIUS Chair

, Market Diffusion of Industrial Products and Regulatory Barriers to Adoption: The Case of Satellites.. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management. n° 36, 117–138.

, L’espace de Thomas Pesquet : illustration d’un basculement dans les relations public-privé.. Alternatives Economiques-RRI

, Sustainable corporate finance and space activities: Towards a Sustainable Space Taxonomy. SIRIUS Chair

, Small Satellite Constellations, Infrastructure Shift and Space Market Regulation. Studies in Space Policy, Volume 31, Series Editor, Legal Aspects around Satellite Constellations, Volume 2, Editor : Annette Froehlich, European Space Policy Institute, Springer.

, Competitive space foresight: Incentivizing compliance through antitrust. Acta Astronautica, Volume 189, December 2021, Pages 235-240

, Reinventing treaty compliant ‘‘safety zones’’ in the context of space sustainability. Journal of Space Safety Engineering Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 155-166

, Uncommon Commons, Commodities and Tokens in Outer Space: A Critical Viewpoint, Special Issue on Commons in Space. Special Issue on Commons in Space, Astropolitics, 2021.

, Duty to Assist: A Viewpoint on Overcoming Potential Monopolies of Critical Resources for Survival in Outer Space. New Space Special Issue on Space Resources, 2021. (manuscript accepted, in production)

, On the Dangers of Enclosing the Intangible: Applying Pistor’s “Code of Capital” Critique to “Space 3.0” and DLT from an Anti-Monopoly Perspective. Chapter, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) Springer, Vienna, 2021

, New Space Property Age: At the Crossroads of Space Commons, Commodities and Competition. Journal of Property, Chapter, in Leshinsky, R., Le May, S., (eds), Property Interests and the Environment in Outer Space, Planning and Environmental Law Journal, Emerald Publishing 2021

, On the Province of All Marskind. Chapter, in Froehlich, A., (ed), Aspects around a Mars Agreement including human settlements, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) Springer, Vienna, 2021

, The COST of Joining Legal Forces on a Celestial Body of Law and Beyond Anticipating Future Clashes between Corpus Juris Spatialis, Lex Mercatoria, Antitrust and Ethics. Special Issue on Astropolitics, Space Policy, London, 2021

, Nouveaux enjeux du droit de la concurrence sur le marché spatial.. Revue IDETPLUS, Institut du droit de l’Espace, des Territoires, de la Culture et des Communications (IDETCOM), 2021. (Available online at :


, À propos... Le projet spatial européen, entre pragmatisme et imagination.. Innovations, N°63(3), 217

, Comptes rendus : Management de l’innovation et trajectoires d’évolution de l’industrie spatiale.. Marché et Organisations, n°39(3), 229.


, L’Espace d’innovations : de la NASA à Jeff Bezos. Alternatives économiques, 13/12/2019.

, User-Oriented ICT Cloud Architecture for High-Accuracy GNSS-Based Services. Sensors, 19(11), 2635.

, Conceptual model for a profitable return on investment from space debris as abiotic space resource. 8th Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, EUCASS, 2019 13 p.

, Satellite Imagery, Very High-Resolution and Processing-Intensive Image Analysis: Potential Risks Under the GDPR. Air and Space Law, 2019, vol. 44, Issue 3, p. 275–295.

, Knowledge sharing in a coopetition project team: An institutional logics perspective. Strategic Change, 2019, 28(3), p. 217–227.

, High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Potential Identification of Individuals. P. Soille, S. Loekken, and S. Albani (Eds.) Proc. of the 2019 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’2019), EUR 29660 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019, p.237-240.


, Space lawmaking. Space Review, 2018.

, Taking advantage of disruptive innovation through changes in value networks: insights from the space industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 2017, 22(2), 97–106. Sélectionné comme « highly commended paper » dans le 2018 Emerald Literati Awards.


, Innovation de rupture et acteurs historiques: le cas de l’industrie des satellites. 2017, Retrieved from


, Space Industrial War: Towards a Wave of Takeovers in the Global Arms Industry. 4th Manfred Lach Conference, Montreal, MacGill, 2016.

, Industry structure and disruptive innovations: the satellite industry. Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, Vol. 20, 2016, pp. 37-60.


, V° Activités spatiales. In Dictionnaire des Régulations, Lextenso, 2015.

, Would Satellite Miniaturization Be a “Disruptive Innovation”?. Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Global Space Governance, McGill, 2015.


, Influence of risk on technology adoption: inertia strategy in the space industry. European Journal of Innovation Management, 17(1), 2014, p.41–60.

, Les obstacles à l’innovation en France : analyse et recommandations. Revue Management et Avenir, (69), 2014, p.70–88.

, Issues in the management of embedded knowledge in project-based organizations: the project actor’s role. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, janvier 2014.

, Quel apport de la théorie de l’acteur-réseau pour appréhender la dynamique de construction du réseau entrepreneurial. Management International, mai 2014.

, BUILDING BRIDGES: Lessons of Governance from Cyberspace to Outerspace. Proceedings of 2nd Manfred Lach Conference, Montréal MacGill, 2014.

, Numérique et Concurrence. RFDA n°5, septembre-octobre 2014, p.896.

, Filing the Gap – Legal and Regulatory Challenges of mHealth in Europe. International Telecommunications Union, 2014.


, Le rôle de la Défense dans l’émergence d’une nouvelle industrie : le cas de l’industrie spatiale. Innovations – les cahiers d’économie et de management de l’innovation, 42, 2013.

, Releasing the Potential for Economic Growth in the Space Sector, Space Law Symposium. American Bar Association, Washington, USA, juin 2013.

, Inter-organizational knowledge management in a coopetitive context in the aeronautic and space industry. Knowledge Management Research and Practice, No. 11, 2013, août, p. 265-277.


, Développement d’une demande commerciale et dynamiques d’innovation : le cas de l’industrie spatiale européenne. La Revue des Sciences Commerciales, 12, 2011, p.37–58.


, Innovation and reliability strategies in the defense, space and semiconductor industries: A comparative analysis. International Journal of Innovation Management, 14(5), 2010, p.795–821.

, Use of Satellite Image as Judicial Evidence. Colloque “Evidence from Space”, Imperial College, Londres, 2010.


, Le dilemme innovation et fiabilité : analyse comparative des industries militaro-spatiale et de semi-conducteurs. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, 125 (1er trimestre), 2009, p.53–74.

, Organizational change in risky environments: space activities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(3), 2009, p. 257–274.


, Stabilité dans l’usage des TIC et dans les formes organisationnelles de l’industrie spatiale : quelques éléments d’interprétation. Gérer & Comprendre, 86, 2006, p. 27–36.
