Nous présentons ci-dessous les différents travaux écrits et défendus par les étudiants de la Chaire SIRIUS.
Lakshmi, S., Analysing the Impact of EU Market Fragmentation Affects the Scalability of Space Startups.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Chourré Mathieu., L’impact de l’émergence du NewSpace sur les missions des agences spatiales.. TBS Education, Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique. Fichier additionnel n°1
Couzinier, A. , Les enjeux de la dualité sur l’industrie et le cas particuler du spatiale dans l’ére du New Space.. TBS Education - Mastère Management de la Technologie et de l’Innovation.
Mary, C., Le management du changement.. TBS Education. MSc Strategic Innovation Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Hazra, A., & Jaskula, P, Moon Exploration Economics (p. 13). . TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.
Sfa, H., Kibishi, N., & Bellomo, V., Circular Economy in Space (p. 17). . TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.
Dokhe, P. , New Space, Sustainability & Cybersecurity: A Strategic Analysis of Threats and Solutions for a Resilient Space Environment.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.
Bellomo, V., The solar system: Science lab or supermarket? The Economics of the Space Exploration from Kepler’s Somnium to the Tragedy of Commons. . TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.
Jaskula, P., Is the consolidation of the European space industry the answer to drive competitiveness?. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.
Condé, Michel., Le New Space en Europe et en France: Le lanceur réutilisable une analyse des défis et des opportunités. TBS Education: Mastère Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique. Fichier additionnel n°1
Miramont, Valentin, Apports des sciences cognitives sur le management de projet, le cas des projets complexes. TBS Education: Mastère Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique. Fichier additionnel n°1
Ligaud, N., Framework analysis of system engineering management practices and challenges faced.. TBS Education.
Benstaali, J., What is the impact of emerging technologies in the space launch services industry?. TBS Education. Fichier additionnel n°1
Mahakalkar, A., Circular economy for space.. TBS Education.
BOUDEN, N., CHANG, L.-Y., GAMMOH, F., VICENTE, E. H., LECOINTRE, R., PRANANTYO, N. M., … PULID, J. F. Z., Objective Be the First: First Lunar Mission - Management, Contract, Green and CSR.. Toulouse
Dami, I., Kirsch, M., Marzoug, M. A., Phan-thanh, M., & Jongjittanon, N., Sustainable value chain and circular economy: the case of space.. Toulouse
Benstaali, J., Système Starship et mode de croissance de SpaceX.. TBS Education Fichier additionnel n°1
Agnan-Balou, Y., Intérêt de l’environnement spatial pour des innovations en biotechnologies.. TBS Education. MS Commercial et Marketing dans les Industries de Santé. Fichier additionnel n°1
Dembovskis, A., & Shepelina, O., Moon exploration economics. Case study of spacialized track for space business. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Jongjittanon, N., Contribution of in-orbit servicing on space sustainability.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Maxence, K., The entry of GAFAM in the new space.. TBS Education, MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Lemal, A., Open Innovation for space applications Earth observation for agriculture: How to integrate the customer in the design of the business model?. TBS Education, Master of Business Administration. Fichier additionnel n°1
Madeline, A., Is electricity production in space the future of green energy production?. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Mahieu, F., Which economic value is in the lunar economy?. TBS Education. Mastère Spacialisé Management de l’Innovation Technologique. Fichier additionnel n°1
Maruoka, S., Dembovskis, A. & Mendes Duarte, R., Market strategy review: Aliena.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.
Mendes Duarte, R., Assessing potential disruption in the satellite-based Earth observation market caused by small satellites.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Mendes Duarte, R., Lee, M., & Maruoka, S., The impact of GAFAM on the space sector. Case study of spacialized track for space business.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Salahudeen, R.M., Business model development for SSA in GEO using in-situ CubeSat constellation.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.
Cayssiols, V., Duran, J., A study on vertical integration and first mover advantage as success drivers for small launcher companies.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Aulagner, G., Space Weather Goods, A Managerial Economics Perspective.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Banegas, C. E., How private companies access the Suborbital Space Tourism sector ?. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.
Riberiro, M., & Lenormand, M., De la course spatiale au New Space : Le secteur de l’espace face aux défis managériaux et économiques des grands projets.. TBS Education. MSc Strategic Innovation Management.
Duran, J., Addressing space debris as a tragedy of the commons.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Carsalade, A., & Viard, Q., Business models : application to the space sector. How could business models contribute to the economic sustainability of tomorrow’s Space Industry. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.
Gonzalez Perez, H., Les déterminants de la croissance d’une Spin-Off académique spatiale.. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.
Feliciano, F., Space Weather: A New Issue for the Space Industry.. TBS Education, Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.
Najar, M., Earth Observation for Renewable Energies : Bridging the potential of RE market with satellite data for land evaluation and performance monitoring.. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.
Bonavita, A., Use of Satellite Data and AI Technology to provide Advanced CSR Indexes for Sustainable Agribusiness.. Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.
Quéno, A., Houdry, R., Return to the Moon: how to define the lunar business ecosystem?. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Conquet, F., Lor, C., How space companies can explore the advantages and disadvantages of being first mover or fast follower in their respective markets ?. TBS Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Hundekar, R., Mehrotra, V., Singh, B., & Singh, P., Kineis4India Survey – Go To Market Strategy Team.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.
Singh, A. K., Singh, S., Manohar, V. R., & Bangadi, Y., INDIA – Embracing New Horizons with IoT.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.
JIANG, D., BABU, P., & JADHAV, H., Kinéis – Market Survey For India.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.
Fabien CONQUET and Claire LOR, How space companies can explore the advantages and disadvantages of being first mover or fast follower in their respective markets?. Supervised by: Victor DOS SANTOS PAULINO Fichier additionnel n°1
Liu, X., Study of China’s commercial space from the perspective of civil-military integration. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Sesame Students, Space sector and climate change services. Toulouse Business School – Master 2.
Albarakati, W., On flight connectivity Analysis. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Birouti, E., Baggage tracer: tracing baggage through GPS and space application support. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Chng, W. Y., & Le Huy, N. H., Organizational ambidexterity: How space companies can balance exploitation and exploration to compete successfully in the launch business.. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Commenge, M., Does virtual distribution favour Born global SMEs? The TerraNIS’s case.. Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France.
Ganguli, S., Launch of In-flight Connectivity. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Haibo, H., Airbus space business diagnosis & recommendations. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Iris, M., OHB System & New Space. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Liu, X., A Self Reflection for My Company: China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Nugraha, A. B., & Reksoprodjo, A. R., Study in space sector collaboration. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Ortega, R., Space applications for agriculture: a broker perspective. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Rueda-Medina, M., & Weber, L., La motivation des nouveaux entrants : Le cas des GAFAM dans le secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School. Master 2 : Management de l’Innovation High-Tech. Fichier additionnel n°1
Tantatoui, E.A.K., Should we send Cars to Space ? Should Car Equipment Manufacturer consider new Space Applications ?. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France
Zhang, Y., Chinese Aero+Space Reunion. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.
Bretagnolle, P. & Keppel, D., An Empirical Exploration of the Potential Benefits of Applying Big Data Analytics for Improved Space to Space Operations Management in the Satellite Industry. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Zhou, M., On Sustainable Development Path of China Commercial Space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Hu, S., Innovation as the threat? The evolution of the Earth observation industry within the era of New Space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Randria Manotrona, A., Airbus – OneWeb : Stratégie de réaction des firmes en place face à l’arrivée de nouveaux entrants dans le secteur spatial (Note pédagogique). Toulouse Business School – Executive MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1 Fichier additionnel n°2
Abusalim, N., Al Shiri, R. E., Diaz, A. O., & Okogie, B., Mapping New Entrants in Space: Launchers. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Remisko, R., & Zielonka, A., Sustainable development and stakeholder theory: the case of public-private partnerships as a solution to space-debris removal. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Winner of SIRIUS prize 2018 Fichier additionnel n°1
Quintana, S., & Serinet, L., Why applying life cycle thinking and general sustainability principles is critical for the space industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. 2nd place SIRIUS prize 2018 Fichier additionnel n°1
Diot, P., & Prohom, E., Is there a business opportunity for the exploration of resources on celestial bodies?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA Fichier additionnel n°1
Cohen, T., & Favre, L., Les enjeux de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pour l’industrie spatiale. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Garabetian, R., Exploration spatiale : innovation & coopération au service des opportunités de business. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Sekartaji, P.D., & Yang, Y., Capital Risk and Space: Business Potential. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Lucas-Rhimbassen, M., Resiliensis spatialis : solutions contractuelles pour la résilience des infrastructures spatiales. Université Toulouse 1 Capitole – Mémoire de complément d’études en droit de l’espace. Fichier additionnel n°1
Dufour, M., & Galzi, X., Répartition des connaissances entre donneur d’ordres et sous-traitant dans le secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Management en environnement high-tech. Fichier additionnel n°1
Cassin, M., Jean-baptiste, S., & Thine, A., The environmental regulations: brake or accelerator of innovation in the space sector?. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Procurement and Supply Chain Management. Fichier additionnel n°1
Blain, C., Van Binst, E. T., Gao, L., Xu, L., & Patil, V., Is space market ready for LEO deorbiting commercial services?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Araujo, G., Dupuy, F., Sachdeva, S., & Tan, J., Convergence between Internet and space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Gargav, A., Kemsaram, N., Jaffri, R. E., Ahmed, S., & Keviv, V., Influence of Institutional actors on the strategy and performance of Indian Space Companies.. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA. Fichier additionnel n°1
Gao, L., Study on the Convergence Between the Space Industry and the Internet Industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. SIRIUS Prize 2017. Fichier additionnel n°1
Keviv, V., Exploration and exploitation. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.
Yang, L., Cost consideration and main actors analysis in regard to space debris issue. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Aerospace.
Sebastian, E., Vittal, G., Chevuru, M. R., Shaik, M. G., & Kurian, T. J., Nano satellites, what’s next?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.
Maley, K. K., Subramanian, P., Mohanty, S., R, T., & Mukherjee, U., The entry of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft (GAFAM) in the Space Sector. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.
Surti, A., Chikkanna, H., Kulkarni, S., Kapoor, S., & Panda, S., Innovation Strategy for Thales Alenia Space. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.
N’CHO J., La gestion des talents dans les industries cycliques: rapport préliminaire.. Toulouse.
Chaves-Almagro, C., Gayral, M., Janvier, A.-S., Bravard, M., Camou, V., & Pesquet, F., Quel transfert de compétences possible en sûreté de fonctionnement du secteur de l’aéronautique et du spatial vers celui de la santé ?. Toulouse Business School – Mastère Spécialisé en Management des Industries de Santé et Biotechnologies.
Ferre, L., Facteurs clés favorisant l’essaimage dans le mise sur le marché de l’innovation. Toulouse Business School – Executive MBA, Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Krishna, A., Skenjana, M. C., Do, V. H., Yoshida, R., Wang, Q., & Rizzo, F., In-Orbit maintenance: the future of the satellite industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA,Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Krishna, A., Skenjana, M. C., Do, V. H., Yoshida, R., Wang, Q., & Rizzo, F., In-Orbit Maintenance: The Global Picture. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA, Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Molnar, E., & Virve, S., Space Debris Removal as an Effective Business Model – Challenges and Opportunities. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management, Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Ruffiot, M., & Baudet, L., Active debris removal: From the main barriers to the definition of a business model. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management, Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Cordier, B., European satellite manufacturers, toward an open innovation culture?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA, Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Baudet, L., Ruffiot, M., Thuillier, Q., Lenormand, V., & Mazouz, S., Analyse du soutien à l’export pour les PME du secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Gissot, A., Molnár, E., Lancheros, M. P., Hutomo, M. D., & Virve, S., Is the space industry experiencing a speculative bubble? Venture capital in the space sector. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Gissot, A., Molnár, E., Lancheros, M. P., Hutomo, M. D., & Virve, S., Is the space industry experiencing a speculative bubble? Venture capital in the space sector – Executive summary. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Oliver, S., & Pugliese, A., Active Debris Removal: A Business Opportunity?. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Haillette, P., & Plandé, F., Supplier development applied to space industry. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse. Fichier additionnel n°1
Acoulon, J., Larroque, H., Memain, S., & Retailleau, M., Clean Space Project: Is there a business opportunity?. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management. Fichier additionnel n°1