PhD Candidate Maria Lucas-Rhimbassen
Research Associate

Maria Lucas-Rhimbassen serves as a Research Associate at the Chaire SIRIUS and is also a PhD Candidate in space law since 2016. Her work brought her to consult with major public and private aerospace actors (CNES, Airbus and Thales). She is also a guest lecturer at ISAE-Supaero and has been involved in preparing MBA-level coursework for different educational institutions such as Toulouse Business School (TBS) and has spoken at the University of Southern California (USC) Space Exploration Architectures Concept Synthesis Studio (ASTE). Maria has also served in the International Institute for Space Law (IISL) in the trilateral IISL-IAA-IAF working group on Space Traffic Management (STM),  co-chaired the Responsible Lunar Governance Sub-Committee of the Global Experts Group on the Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA) at the Moon Village Association (MVA) and worked as a research fellow at the Open Lunar Foundation. Maria has a diploma in Strategic Space Law from the Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL) from McGill University, a Master in Management from HEC Montreal, a certificate in Creative Management from the HEC Montreal's MOSAIC Summer School and a Juris Doctor from the Moncton University, in Canada.

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