Students’ Works

We present below the works written and defended by the SIRIUS Chair students.


, Analysing the Impact of EU Market Fragmentation Affects the Scalability of Space Startups.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, L’impact de l’émergence du NewSpace sur les missions des agences spatiales.. TBS Education, Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

, Les enjeux de la dualité sur l’industrie et le cas particuler du spatiale dans l’ére du New Space.. TBS Education - Mastère Management de la Technologie et de l’Innovation.

, Le management du changement.. TBS Education. MSc Strategic Innovation Management.

, Moon Exploration Economics (p. 13). . TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, Circular Economy in Space (p. 17). . TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, New Space, Sustainability & Cybersecurity: A Strategic Analysis of Threats and Solutions for a Resilient Space Environment.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, The solar system: Science lab or supermarket? The Economics of the Space Exploration from Kepler’s Somnium to the Tragedy of Commons. . TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.

, Is the consolidation of the European space industry the answer to drive competitiveness?. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.


, Le New Space en Europe et en France: Le lanceur réutilisable une analyse des défis et des opportunités. TBS Education: Mastère Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

, Apports des sciences cognitives sur le management de projet, le cas des projets complexes. TBS Education: Mastère Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

, Framework analysis of system engineering management practices and challenges faced.. TBS Education.

, What is the impact of emerging technologies in the space launch services industry?. TBS Education.

, Circular economy for space.. TBS Education.


, Objective Be the First: First Lunar Mission - Management, Contract, Green and CSR.. Toulouse

, Sustainable value chain and circular economy: the case of space.. Toulouse

, Système Starship et mode de croissance de SpaceX.. TBS Education

, Intérêt de l’environnement spatial pour des innovations en biotechnologies.. TBS Education. MS Commercial et Marketing dans les Industries de Santé.

, Moon exploration economics. Case study of spacialized track for space business. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, Contribution of in-orbit servicing on space sustainability.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, The entry of GAFAM in the new space.. TBS Education, MSc Aerospace Management.

, Open Innovation for space applications Earth observation for agriculture: How to integrate the customer in the design of the business model?. TBS Education, Master of Business Administration.

, Is electricity production in space the future of green energy production?. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, Which economic value is in the lunar economy?. TBS Education. Mastère Spacialisé Management de l’Innovation Technologique.

, Market strategy review: Aliena.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, Assessing potential disruption in the satellite-based Earth observation market caused by small satellites.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, The impact of GAFAM on the space sector. Case study of spacialized track for space business.. TBS Education. Global Executive MBA.

, Business model development for SSA in GEO using in-situ CubeSat constellation.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.


, A study on vertical integration and first mover advantage as success drivers for small launcher companies.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, Space Weather Goods, A Managerial Economics Perspective.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, How private companies access the Suborbital Space Tourism sector ?. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, De la course spatiale au New Space : Le secteur de l’espace face aux défis managériaux et économiques des grands projets.. TBS Education. MSc Strategic Innovation Management.

, Addressing space debris as a tragedy of the commons.. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, Business models : application to the space sector. How could business models contribute to the economic sustainability of tomorrow’s Space Industry. TBS Education. MSc Aerospace Management.

, Les déterminants de la croissance d’une Spin-Off académique spatiale.. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.

, Space Weather: A New Issue for the Space Industry.. TBS Education, Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.

, Earth Observation for Renewable Energies : Bridging the potential of RE market with satellite data for land evaluation and performance monitoring.. TBS Education - Global Executive MBA.

, Use of Satellite Data and AI Technology to provide Advanced CSR Indexes for Sustainable Agribusiness.. Master Spécialisé Manager de l’Innovation Technologique.


, Return to the Moon: how to define the lunar business ecosystem?. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management.

, How space companies can explore the advantages and disadvantages of being first mover or fast follower in their respective markets ?. TBS Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management.

, Kineis4India Survey – Go To Market Strategy Team.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.

, INDIA – Embracing New Horizons with IoT.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.

, Kinéis – Market Survey For India.. Toulouse Business School - Aerospace MBA.

, How space companies can explore the advantages and disadvantages of being first mover or fast follower in their respective markets?. Supervised by: Victor DOS SANTOS PAULINO


, Study of China’s commercial space from the perspective of civil-military integration. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Space sector and climate change services. Toulouse Business School – Master 2.

, On flight connectivity Analysis. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, Baggage tracer: tracing baggage through GPS and space application support. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, Organizational ambidexterity: How space companies can balance exploitation and exploration to compete successfully in the launch business.. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management.

, Does virtual distribution favour Born global SMEs? The TerraNIS’s case.. Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France.

, Launch of In-flight Connectivity. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, Airbus space business diagnosis & recommendations. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, OHB System & New Space. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, A Self Reflection for My Company: China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, Study in space sector collaboration. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management.

, Space applications for agriculture: a broker perspective. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.

, La motivation des nouveaux entrants : Le cas des GAFAM dans le secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School. Master 2 : Management de l’Innovation High-Tech.

, Should we send Cars to Space ? Should Car Equipment Manufacturer consider new Space Applications ?. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France

, Chinese Aero+Space Reunion. In: Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA – Space Business and Applications Track. Toulouse, France.


, An Empirical Exploration of the Potential Benefits of Applying Big Data Analytics for Improved Space to Space Operations Management in the Satellite Industry. Toulouse Business School. Master 2: Aerospace Management.

, On Sustainable Development Path of China Commercial Space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Innovation as the threat? The evolution of the Earth observation industry within the era of New Space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Airbus – OneWeb : Stratégie de réaction des firmes en place face à l’arrivée de nouveaux entrants dans le secteur spatial (Note pédagogique). Toulouse Business School – Executive MBA.

, Mapping New Entrants in Space: Launchers. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Sustainable development and stakeholder theory: the case of public-private partnerships as a solution to space-debris removal. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. Winner of SIRIUS prize 2018

, Why applying life cycle thinking and general sustainability principles is critical for the space industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. 2nd place SIRIUS prize 2018

, Is there a business opportunity for the exploration of resources on celestial bodies?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA

, Les enjeux de l’Intelligence Artificielle (IA) pour l’industrie spatiale. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Exploration spatiale : innovation & coopération au service des opportunités de business. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Capital Risk and Space: Business Potential. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.


, Resiliensis spatialis : solutions contractuelles pour la résilience des infrastructures spatiales. Université Toulouse 1 Capitole – Mémoire de complément d’études en droit de l’espace.

, Répartition des connaissances entre donneur d’ordres et sous-traitant dans le secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Management en environnement high-tech.

, The environmental regulations: brake or accelerator of innovation in the space sector?. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Procurement and Supply Chain Management.

, Is space market ready for LEO deorbiting commercial services?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Convergence between Internet and space. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, Influence of Institutional actors on the strategy and performance of Indian Space Companies.. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.

, Study on the Convergence Between the Space Industry and the Internet Industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA. SIRIUS Prize 2017.

, Exploration and exploitation. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.

, Cost consideration and main actors analysis in regard to space debris issue. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Aerospace.

, Nano satellites, what’s next?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA.

, The entry of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft (GAFAM) in the Space Sector. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.

, Innovation Strategy for Thales Alenia Space. Toulouse Business School & Indian Institute of Management Bangalore – Aerospace MBA.

, La gestion des talents dans les industries cycliques: rapport préliminaire.. Toulouse.


, Quel transfert de compétences possible en sûreté de fonctionnement du secteur de l’aéronautique et du spatial vers celui de la santé ?. Toulouse Business School – Mastère Spécialisé en Management des Industries de Santé et Biotechnologies.

, Facteurs clés favorisant l’essaimage dans le mise sur le marché de l’innovation. Toulouse Business School – Executive MBA, Toulouse.

, In-Orbit maintenance: the future of the satellite industry. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA,Toulouse.

, In-Orbit Maintenance: The Global Picture. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA, Toulouse.

, Space Debris Removal as an Effective Business Model – Challenges and Opportunities. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management, Toulouse.

, Active debris removal: From the main barriers to the definition of a business model. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management, Toulouse.

, European satellite manufacturers, toward an open innovation culture?. Toulouse Business School – Aerospace MBA, Toulouse.


, Analyse du soutien à l’export pour les PME du secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse.

, Is the space industry experiencing a speculative bubble? Venture capital in the space sector. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse.

, Is the space industry experiencing a speculative bubble? Venture capital in the space sector – Executive summary. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse.

, Active Debris Removal: A Business Opportunity?. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse.

, Supplier development applied to space industry. Toulouse Business School: Toulouse.


, Clean Space Project: Is there a business opportunity?. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – PO Aerospace Management.
