Scientific communications & conferences


, Space Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. 2024 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference & Technical University, Munich.

, Entrepreneurial Support Organizations outcomes towards Ecosystem Sustainable Development.. AOM 2024.

, Navigating Disruptions with Bibliometrics: The New Space Case: . SIRIUS Works In Progress Seminar.

, Collaborative Governance in CoPS Industries: A Systematic Literature Review. . 27th NFF Conference.


, Entrepreneurial support organizations’ outcomes towards sustainable development.. EE Research Summer School 2023. EE Research Summer School 2023, Paris, France.

, Role of collaborative public management and disruptions in the complex products and systems industries in space and the renewable energy sectors.. EU-SPRI 2023.

, Role of collaborative public management and disruptions in the complex products and systems industries in space and the renewable energy sectors.. Research in Entrepreneurship, Education and Technology (CREET).

, An institutional perspective on entrepreneurial support organizations’ outcomes and sponsors in entrepreneurial ecosystems.. Euram 2023.


, How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products. The case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018.. EU-SPRI 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.

, Space activities and sustainability.. Online_Atelier Espace, DTA 2022, Paris, France.

, Entrepreneurial support organizations in the quadruple/quintuple helix model: an institutional perspective on socio-environmental issues.. Innodays, Casablanca.

, Entrepreneurial dynamics in the space ecosystem.. Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME), Lyon.

, The role of entrepreneurial support organizations in the Quadruple/Quintuple Helix model: An institutional perspective on socio-environmental issues.. Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME (CIFEPME), Lyon.

, The role of entrepreneurial support organizations in the Quadruple/Quintuple Helix model.. Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT), Naples.

, The pathway towards sustainable space: The bibliometric analysis and systematic literature review.. UNIVERSEH, European Space University for Earth and Humanity, Toulouse.

, Ad-Astra: A bibliometric analysis of Lunar and Mars Explorations.. Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland.

, Mars Terraforming: A new plan for the red planet.. Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET), Portland.

, Environmental upgrading and a bipolar GVC governance: Case of the satellite industry.. Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, Oslo.


, Institutional factors in the study of innovative entrepreneurial ecosystems: the space entrepreneurial ecosystem.. Forum RRI: Higher Education, Research and Responsible Innovations. France.


, SUSTAINABLE CORPORATE FINANCE AND SPACE ACTIVITIES Towards a Sustainable Space Taxonomy, The relations between Trade Law, Finance and Space Law. International Institute of Space Law Colloquium, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Dubai, October 2021.

, Managing Risk in Space through a Competitive Intelligence and Competition Law, Managing Risk in Space. Biennial Conference, International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS), Online, October, 2021.

, Ostrom’s Paradox: Applying the Matrix of Goods to Space Resources Systems and Property Rights in the Era of Commoditization. Poster, European Space Resources Week, European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC), Luxembourg, Online, April 2021.

, On the Issues of Commoditizing Commons in Outer Space. “Commons in Space Virtual Conference”, International Association for the Study of Commons, Arizona State University, February 24th -26th, 2021.

, Competitive Space Foresight: Incentivizing Compliance through Antitrust, “Trust but Verify: Incentivizing Compliance”. Space Traffic Management Conference, Strauss Centre, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, January 26th -27th, 2021.

, Space Antitrust: The Need for Regulation Against Monopolies Beyond the Next Frontier, The Governance of Space Exploration Corporations. Workshops on International Relations, University of Laval, Quebec City, Spring 2021. (Abstract accepted).

, Start-Ups: You’d Better Lawyer Up!. SIRIUS DAYS, Space Talks 2020, Aeromart 2020, Toulouse, Online Webinar, December 3rd , 2020.

, A demand-based view of the long-term dynamics of the spacecraft industry (1957-2011).. Next Space 2021 - Next Space in Europe: Strategic, Economic, and Technological Stakes and Challenges, 8. Saint-Médard en Jalles, France.

, How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products. The case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018.. Next Space 2021: Which Economic Models and Regulatory Frameworks for Next Space? Saint-Médard en Jalles, France.

, How government customers delay the diffusion of strategic technology products. The case of commercial satellites 1960 to 2018.. The Economic Effects of the Air and Aerospace Sector in Italy and Europe, 13. Bari, Italy.

, Exploring the evolution of the space entrepreneurial ecosystem: An institutional and social capital perspective through life cycle theory.. 12° Congrés de l’Académie de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation. Paris, France.

, Role of innovation ecosystems in the relationship between circular economy and sustainability. Case of the satellite industry in Europe.. 47th European International Business Academy Annual Conference. Madrid, Spain: European International Business Academy.


, aving Icarus from Hubris: Creating a Sustainable Roadmap for Solving Colliding Laws and Ethics in Outer Space. Session: Self-Determination and Human Rights Beyond Earth, AIAA ASCEND 2020, Las Vegas, Online, 18 November, 2020. (Accepted, abstract available at:; full paper upon request).

, Versus “Moonopolies” & “Fort McMooneys”: On the Importance of a Space Antitrust and Governance Framework for Commercial Activities on the Moon.. First Online Global Moon Village Workshop & Symposium, Cyprus, Online, November 10th, 2020. (Video accepted, available at:

, Joining Legal Forces on a Celestial Body of Law and Beyond Anticipating Future Clashes between Corpus Juris Spatialis, Lex Mercatoria, Antitrust and Ethics.. Space Policy Astropolitics Project Webinar Series, Colorado, Online, May 2020. (PPT accepted).

, The Shape of Things to Launch: A Case for National Space Legislation in Spain and Better Access to Space.. SSSIF 2020, Malaga, Spain, May 2020. (Abstract and full paper accepted, available upon request at:


, An adaptative ICT solution to support GNSS market applications. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2019.

, Steps towards ICSO : International Civil Space Organisation. Re-inventing Space’19, Belfast, 12-14 novembre 2019.

, Legal Risks of Artificial Intelligence in Space. Re-inventing Space’19, Belfast, 12-14 novembre 2019.

, Mega constellations – Liability and Insurance Issues. 70th IAC Conference, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 21-25 octobre 2019.

, Breaking the Golden Chain of Transparency: Crosslinks between cyber threat and blockchain within space and gold industries. 70th IAC Conference, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 21-25 octobre 2019.

, Blockchain Golden Rush. 70th IAC Conference, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 21-25 octobre 2019.

, Special session on Space and Artificial Intelligence. 70th IAC Conference, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 21-25 octobre 2019.

, What if …. 70th IAC Conference, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 21-25 octobre 2019.

, Dépendance et pouvoir perçus dans la chaîne de valeur : quels impacts sur la relation et la performance client-fournisseur ? Une étude de cas appliquée aux industries aéronautique, spatiale et de défense. SIRIUS Workshop 2019: Research Advances in Management Science and Law Applied to the Space Sector, Toulouse, France, 15 octobre 2019.

, Conceptual model for a profitable return on investment from space debris as abiotic space resource. EUCASS’19, Spain, Madrid, 1-4 Juillet 2019.

, Industry-academia innovation co- development: the case of space-based technology. EURAM (European Academy of Management), Lisbonne, Portugal, 28 juin 2019.

, Space Traffic Management: Top-Down or Bottom-Up?. Summit for Space Sustainability, Washington, D.C., États-Unis, 25 juin 2019.

, Emergence of high technology markets: the case of space business. 2d Treasure Workshop 21-22 mai 2019, TREASURE: A response to user needs in PPP and RTK, Toulouse, 22 mai 2019.

, Brainstorming session on business models for GNSS. 2nd TREASURE Workshop: Scientific Board Meeting, Toulouse, France, 22 mai 2019.

, Market introduction of the TREASURE conceptual prototype. 2nd TREASURE Workshop: A Response to User Needs in PPP and RTK, Toulouse, France, 22 mai 2019.

, Nudging Space – possible Governance for space Safety. IAASS Conference “Making Safety Happen”, Los Angeles, États-Unis, 15-17 mai 2019.

, New Space. Cycle de conférence ENS Ulm : « Éthique de la conquête spatiale », France, Paris, 27 mars 2019.

, Beyond the Craddle’19. MIT, Harvard and Sloan Business School, Boston, États-Unis, 13-15 mars 2019.

, High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Potential Identification of Individuals. P. Soille, S. Loekken, and S. Albani (Eds.) Proc. of the 2019 conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS’2019), EUR 29660 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 19 et 21 février 2019, p.237-240.

, Le Droit de la Concurrence et Ouverture du Marché des Activités Spatiales.. Journée des Chercheurs du CNES, Cité de l’Espace, Toulouse, November 2019. (Poster available at:

, Breaking the Golden Chain of Transparency: Crosslinks between Cyber Threat and Blockchain within Space and Gold Industries.. IAA Symposium on Safety, Quality and Knowledge Management in Space Activities, International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington, USA, October 2019. (Full paper accepted, proceedings available at:

, Mega Constellations: Liability and Insurance Issues, Policy, Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects of Space Debris Detection.. Mitigation and Removal (Joint Session with IAF Space Security Committee), International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Washington, USA, October 2019. (Paper accepted, proceedings available at:

, Conceptual model for a profitable return on investment from space debris as abiotic space resource.. European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS 2019) Symposium, Madrid, Spain. (Paper accepted, proceedings available at:


, Toward an International Organization to handle a Sustainable Space Traffic Management – A functional approach of ICSO. IAC-18-E3.4.10, Bremen, Oct. 2018.

, Innovators hinder the technology adoption by early adopters: the case of space industry. In Forum Innovation 8, Nîmes, 2018, 30 p.

, Internationalization of subcontracting SMEs: how do they learn? The case of space industry in France. In The 22nd Mc Gill Conference on International Entrepreneurship, Halmstad, 2018, 14 p.

, Innovators hinder the technology adoption by early adopters: the case of space industry. Presented at the 3rd Abbé Grégoire Innovation Days, Paris, France, 2018.

, How a permanent link between industry and scientific community can enhance innovation: the case of GNSS downstream markets. Presented at the 3rd Abbé Grégoire Innovation Days, Paris, France, 2018.

, The influence of customers on the construction of the space industry. SIRIUS Talks, Toulouse, France, October 2018.

, Governance Panel. Space Traffic Management Conference, Embry Riddle, Florida, January 2018. (Video available at:

, On Orbit Servicing as Space Resource.. SIRIUS TALKS, Chaire SIRIUS Annual Colloquium on Space Law, University of Toulouse, France, October 2018. (PPT accepted, available at:, full paper available upon request).


, L’industrie spatiale entre deux époques ?. In Les Matinales de la Recherche – Toulouse Business School & SIRIUS Chair (p. 25). Toulouse, France, 2017

, Economic Valuation of Debris Removal. In IAC – 68th International Astronautical Congress (IAC). Adelaide, Australia, 2017.

, How to “Disrupt” the “Disruptors”? Strategic intents of incumbents after the introduction of radical innovations: the case of “low cost” satellites and launchers. In SIRIUS Workshop, Toulouse, France, 2017, 13 p.

, Donneurs d’ordre et sous-traitants sont-ils réellement solidaires ?. In Ateliers SIRIUS 8. Toulouse, France, 2017.

, Les petits satellites : un nouveau défi pour l’industrie spatiale ? Approche : management stratégique. Parole d’Expert – Thales Alenia Space, Toulouse, France, 2017.

, Répartition des connaissances entre donneur d’ordres et sous-traitant dans le secteur spatial. Toulouse Business School – Master 2 – OP Management en environnement high-tech – SIRIUS Prize, Toulouse, France, 2017.

, Point d’avancement: Management des talents & industries cycliques. SIRIUS Chair Internal Seminar, Toulouse, France, 2017.

, Intentions stratégiques des firmes en place suite à l’introduction d’innovations radicales : le cas du secteur spatial. SIRIUS Chair Internal Seminar, Toulouse, France, 2017.

, Some thoughts on the Need of Space Debris Removal. SIRIUS Chair Internal Seminar, Toulouse, France, 2017.

, La dépendance auprès des fournisseurs : quel impact sur la performance ? Étude de cas dans l’aéronautique, le spatial et la défense. In SIRIUS Chair Internal Seminar, Toulouse, France: SIRIUS Chaire, 2017, 21 p.

, Stratégies des firmes en place suite à l’introduction d’innovations radicales : le cas du secteur spatial. 2° Journée de l’innovation Abbé Grégoire – CNAM, 2017, 23 p.

, The 4th Estate at the Service of Sustainable Space Governance.. Fifth Manfred Lachs International Conference, Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL), McGill, May 2017. (PPT accepted, available at: mlrhimbassen.pdf, full paper available upon request).

, Space Resilience 4.0: Contracting for Resilient Space Infrastructures.. Fifth Manfred Lachs International Conference, Institute of Air and Space Law (IASL), McGill, May 2017. (PPT accepted, available at:, full paper available upon request).

, Resiliensis Spatialis: Contractual Solutions for Resilient Space Infrastructures.. SIRIUS DAYS 2017, Chaire SIRIUS Annual Colloquium, University of Toulouse, October 2017. (PPT accepted, available at:, full paper available upon request).


, Petits satellites : La miniaturisation des satellites est-elle une innovation de rupture ?. 6ème rencontres Droit et Espace. Toulouse, France, 29 septembre 2016.

, Taking advantage of disruptive innovations in the space sector. ISPIM XXVII Innovation Conference. Porto, Portugal, 19-22 Juin 2016.

, Industry structure and disruptive innovations: the satellite industry. Forum Innovation VII : Dynamique des trajectoires, Paris, France, 9 au 11 juin 2016.

, Space industrial war: Towards a risk of creeping takeovers in the global space industry?. 4th Manfred Lachs International Conference on Conflicts in Space and the Rule of Law, Institute of Air & Space Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 27-28 mai 2016.

, A demand-based view of industry evolution: the case of the space industry (1957-2011). Joint Conference of Association of Business Historians (ABH) and Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte (GUG), Berlin, Allemagne, 27-28 mai 2016.

, Synthèse – Éléments juridiques. Coopérations spatiales Internationales : entre évidence scientifique, enjeux politiques et aspects culturels, Colloque organisé par l’Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France, 7 janvier 2016.

, Orbital Perspective as Organisational Culture: How Space Exploration Could Inspire New Business Models and Leadership based on Global Stewardship.. 17th Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) ASTRO Colloquium, Ottawa, Canada, May 2016. (Full paper and video available upon request).


, Le contentieux des débris spatiaux. Colloque (Dijon), 9-10 octobre 2015.

, Are European space firms facing an innovator’s dilemma?. ISPIM Conference – Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management, 14-17 juin 2015.

, Space and m-Health : Application to the Ivory Coast. 1res Assises du Numérique de la Côte d’Ivoire, Abidjan, 28-29 mai 2015.

, Space and Legal Aspects of CyberCrime. Toulouse Cyberdefence Workshop, 29 avril 2015.

, New Entrants Threatening Existing Firms in Space Industry – Would Satellite Miniaturization Be a Disruptive Innovation?. 3e MLC, Montréal, 17-19 mars 2015.

, Space Industry facing the new Directive Concession. Bavairia BHO, Munich, 18-19 février 2015.

, Space: Obstacles and Opportunities.. Delegation member to the Canada – UK Colloquium, Glasgow, UK, November 2015. (Report available online at:


, Qu’est-ce que le patrimoine immatériel d’une entreprise du secteur spatial ?. 5e Ateliers Droit & Espace, Toulouse, 7 octobre 2014.

, International cooperation in Space sector. IAC Toronto/IISL, octobre 2014.

, Innovators Hinder the technology adoption of early adopters: The case of the space Industry. Forum Innovation VI – Edition 2014 – Crise, innovation et transition, octobre 2014.

, Le Tourisme Spatial. Colloque IFR Toulouse sur « Le Voyage », 20 juin 2014.

, Building Bridges on Global Governance Issues : Is Cyberspace reshaping Outerspace ?. Colloque de Montréal sur la “Global Space Governance”, MLC Mc Gill, 29 mai 2014.

, Sirius. Futurapolis – Le Point, 16 mai 2014.

, L’industrie spatiale à l’heure des Partenariats Public Privé. Société Française de Droit Aérien et Spatial, 3 avril 2014.
